
Contact name: 
Jochen Schrooten
Staff member nightlife prevention
VAD (Association for alcohol and other drug problems), Vanderlindenstraat 15, 1030 Brussels.
032 2 423 03 54
Vanderlindenstraat 15,1030 Brussels, Belgium
032 2 423 03 34



As with most European countries, nightlife in Flanders (especially in the electronic dance scene) is booming business and 50% of clubbers use one or more illegal drugs when out at night.


Partywise aims to encourage party people to be responsible during a night out. It tries to inform and sensitise clubbers in different ways, so that they can make responsible choices.


Partywise is a prevention concept using a campaign and other materials to inform and sensitise clubbers, and brochures, materials and training sessions for prevention workers and nightlife professionals.


The process evaluation showed a very positive result for the different aspects of Partywise. In general, clubbers liked the look and feel of Partywise and could understand the information disseminated. The majority of clubbers thought that initiatives like partywise were nessesary.


Partywise is a good project to inform and sensitise young clubbers about health risks in the nightlife environment. It is not currently known whether Partwise leads people to change their behaviour. However, through the intervention, revellers know what the risks are and they can choose for themselves if they want to take these risks or not.

Intervention details

Type of intervention
Selective prevention
Problem addressed
Illegal drugs, Alcohol, (Mental) health problems, Poly drug use, Nuisance, Overcrowding, Dehydration / overheating, Overdosing, Unwanted sexual behaviour, Impaired driving
Intervention setting
Club/ disco/ afters
Youth clubs
Mass Media
Printed media
Target population

Party people (mainly 15-25, girls and boys), clubowners, promoters of dance events.

Substances adressed
Powdered cocaine
Strategic target group (social agents acting as intermediaries between intervention and target group)

Party people (mainly 15-25, girls and boys), Clubowners, promoters of dance events.

Intervention activities
Providing information
Use of media
Use of Internet and other new technologies
Nightlife management
Actions include:Education via the partywise website;Dissemination of posters, flyers, stickers, newsletters and gadgets (wirstbands, condoms, chewing gum, buttons);Articles and advertisements in youth media (magazines);Training prevention workers and bar staff for first aid in case of drug incidents in nightlife;Consult to party promotors and event organisers.
Theory/evidence behind the intervention

Bellis, M.A. & Kilfoyle, M. (eds.) (2000). Club health, The health of the clubbing nation. Centre for Public Health, University of Liverpool: Liverpool.

Hughes, K.E. & Belles, M.A. (eds) (2003). Safer Nightlife in the North West of England. Centre for Public Health, University of Liverpool: Liverpool.

Webster, R. (2000). Safer clubbing. The Home Office: London.

Number of people needed
There is no minimum number of people. The more the better.
Specific training required?
It is good to know the basic principles of an integrated prevention approach in nightlife
Time required to run
Making a good website and campaign materials takes some months and disseminating them takes several hours per week as long as the intervention is running.
Other resource requirements

A webserver

Evaluation details

Evaluation type (e.g. process, outcome, cost-effectiveness)
Process evaluation
Activities evaluated

These included:

  • Education via the partywise website.
  • Dissemination of posters, flyers, stickers, newsletters and gadgets (wristbands, condoms, chewing gum, buttons).
Type of evaluator (e.g. external consultant, internal evaluator)
Internal evaluation
Evaluation results (Process evaluation)

The process evaluation showed a very positive result for the different aspects of Partywise.

The Partywise website was evaluated by 125 clubbers. The website was rated as being: up to date (94.4%); clear (93.3%); well presented (92.5%); and with text that was not too long (83%). Some clubbers (36%) felt that the website was a little bit too moralising. The sections concerning drugs, combined drug use, and partytips were rated as most interesting. Downloads and goodies were rated as less interesting.

When asked how they had heard about the website: 21.5% were directed by friends, 16.5% by professionals, 14% saw it in a magazine, 18% were directed from partywise materials, and 5% from search engines.

The reasons given for visiting the website were: curiousity and interest in the topic (49.1%); to prepare for a night out (14.5%); to organise a party (17.3%); to search for information (9.1%); or to win a party prize (12.7%).

The overall score given for the website was 8.4/10 (according to the clubbers).

The partywise newsletter was evaluated by 71 clubbers.75% said they always read the newsletter; 87% thought the newsletter was interesting;84% thought the information was very up to date;81% liked the style of the newsletter; and73% thought there was not too much text. The most interesting parts of the newsletter were the partytips and research reports.People that receive the newsletter return to the website much more than people who do not.

Partywise general was evaluated by 46 clubbers. 68% of clubbers thought initiatives like Partywise were nessesary;55% thought that the information was useful (44.7% were neutral);57% thought that the information was trustworthy (40.5% were neutral);41% of clubbers thought the partywise materials were attractive (56.4% scored neutral).

Evaluation references

Verstreken, S & Schrooten, J. (2009). Partywise evaluatie. Een terugblik op vijf jaar Partywise. Brussel: VAD.
