
We hope to be able to keep this Toolbox updated with your help. In case you know about any studies and/or projects that in your view should additionally be included on this site, please let us know by sending an email to Hereby, please provide as much detail as possible: title, author(s), reference; or name of the intervention, name contact person, contact information, weblink.

If you are personally involved in an intervention to prevent or reduce harm from alcohol use or drug use in nightlife, we would certainly be interested to find out more. Please help us by filling out our short questionnaire.

Please note that the content of this website was last updated August 15th, 2016. From January 2017 The EMCDDA will host and maintain a renewed HNT website. New contributions for the literature database, the good to know database and new interventions will be published after January 1st, 2017.
