
This section provides details about interventions in nightlife from around the world.

In the box below, you can search through the interventions by choosing the problem that needs addressing (e.g. alcohol), the intervention type (e.g. education for nightlife users), or keywords. For an overview of the knowledge about each intervention type: check chapter 3 of the HNT Info sheet.

All interventions included have been evaluated. Where possible, links to evaluation documents and articles are provided for more information. For each intervention, the quality of evaluation has been rated on a four point scale (1=low quality; 4=high quality). The effect of the intervention has also been rated to show positive effects , negative effects , or no/unknown effect or mixed results . For more information about ratings click here.

Please note: All interventions submitted in 2016 that are not being published in reviewed journals got an (?) since during the update process there was no budget for translation of reports that were written in other languages than English to rate them after.

Help us keep this section up to date by letting us know of any additional evaluated interventions. You can submit extra information here.

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