Good to know

This section contains extra information such as reports and papers on general nightlife issues. These articles are not related to evaluated interventions within nightlife, but they may still be useful and interesting as background information.

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Problem addressed

Title Author(s) Category Type Year
Reducing alcohol-related harm in and around licensed premises: Industry accords. A successful intervention Vaughan S.
Book 2001
On-site pill-testing interventions in the European Union Kriener H, Billeth R, Gollner C et al.
Report 2001
Doors of opportunity: security staff at risk. Matthews L.
Journal Article 2001
Drugs and the dance music scene: a survey of current drug use pattens among a sample of dance music enthusiasts in the UK. Winstock AR, Griffiths P, Stewart D.
Journal Article 2001
Creating safer drinking environments. Homel R, McIlwain G, Carvolth R.
Book 2001
RISK - Risk and control in the recreational drug culture : sonar project Calafat A, Fernandez C, Juan M et al
Report 2001
Project ARM: Alcohol Risk Management to prevent sales to underage and intoxicated patrons Toomey TL, Wagenaar AC, Gehan JP et al.
Journal Article 2001
Independent travel and recreational drug abuse Hughes R
Journal Article 2001
The drug information and monitoring service (DIMS) in the Netherlands: A unique tool for monitoring party drugs Niesink R, Nikken G, Jansen F et al
Journal Article 2001
Dancing on drugs: Risk, health and hedonism in the British club scene Measham F, Aldridge J, Parker H.
Book 2001