This section provides abstracts from published studies that have measured the effectiveness of interventions in improving nightlife health. The studies included have been selected through a search of published academic literature.
This section provides abstracts from published studies that have measured the effectiveness of interventions in improving nightlife health. The studies included have been selected through a search of published academic literature.
Title | Author(s) | Category | Type Sort ascending | Year |
Binge Drinking Associations with Patrons’ Risk Behaviors and Alcohol Effects after Leaving a Nightclub: Sex Differences in the "Balada com Ciência" Portal Survey Study in Brazil | Zila M. Sanchez, Karen J. Ribeiro, Gabriela A. Wagner | |
Journal article | |
Association of Behavior With Noise-Induced Hearing Loss Among Attendees of an Outdoor Music Festival: A Secondary Analysis of a Randomized Clinical Trial | Kraaijenga VJC, van Munster JJCM, van Zanten GA. | |
Journal article | |
Drink Less Enjoy More: effects of a multi‐component intervention on improving adherence to, and knowledge of, alcohol legislation in a UK nightlife setting | Zara Quigg Karen Hughes Nadia Butler Kat Ford Ian Canning Mark A. Bellis | |
Journal article | |
Late night environments: Bar “morphing” increases risky alcohol sales in on-premise outlets | Juliet P. Lee, Anna Pagano, Christopher Morrison, Paul J. Gruenewald & Friedner D. Wittman | |
Journal article | |
Investigating displacement effects as a result of the Sydney, NSW alcohol lockout legislation | Caitlin Elizabeth Hughes & Alexander Shou Weedon-Newstead | |
Journal article | |
The detection and prevention of unintentional consumption of DOx and 25x-NBOMe at Portugal’s Boom Festival | Martins D, Barratt M, Vale Pires C, Carvalho H, Ventura M, Fornís I, Valente H | |
Journal article | |
Analysis of the differences in the profile and drug use patterns between male and female who attend raves | F. Fernández-Calderón, O.M. Lozano-Rojas, I. Bilbao-Acedos, A.J. Rojas-Tejada, C. Vidal-Giné, E. Vergara-Moragues, F. González-Saiz | |
Journal article | |
Polysubstance use and associated effects at raves parties | Fermín Fernández-Calderón; Óscar M. Lozano Rojas; Izaskun Bilbao Acedos; Antonio J. Rojas Tejada; Claudio Vidal Giné; Esperanza Vergara Moragues & Francisco González-Saiz | |
Journal article | |
Harm Reduction Behaviors Among Young Polysubstance Users at Raves | Fermín Fernández-Calderón PhD, Óscar Lozano-Rojas PhD, Antonio Rojas-Tejada PhD, Izaskun Bilbao-Acedos BD, Claudio Vidal-Giné BD, Esperanza Vergara-Moragues PhD & Francisco González-Saiz PhD | |
Journal article | |
Polysubstance Use Patterns in Underground Rave Attenders: A Cluster Analysis | Fernández-Calderón F., Lozano O.M., Vidal C., Ortega J.G., Vergara E., González-Sáiz F., Bilbao I., ENERGY CONTROL TEAM: Caluente M., Cano T., Cid F., Dominguez C., Izquierdo E., Pérez MI. | |
Journal article |
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