The Healthy Nightlife Toolbox (HNT) is an international initiative that focuses on the reduction of harm from alcohol and drug use among young people.
Alcohol and drug use are linked to health and safety problems. Commonly this substance use takes place in recreational settings, which makes nightlife an important setting for prevention measures.
The Healthy Nightlife Toolbox is a website designed for local, regional and national policy makers and prevention workers, to help reduce harm from alcohol and drug use in nightlife settings. The core of the online Toolbox is comprised of three databases: evaluated interventions, literature on these interventions, and other literature within the field of nightlife alcohol and drug prevention. The HNT Info sheet summarises the available knowledge on creating a healthy and safe nightlife.
From January 2017, the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA) is responsible for hosting and maintaining the revamped HNT website.